Dipl. In Civil Engineer (1980) and PhD (1991) at the University of Patras. Professor, at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Patras (2013-23). He was Associate Professor (2007-13) and Assistant Professor (2002-07) in the same Department, Assistant Professor (1998-2002) and Director (2000-02) of the Laboratory of Computer Applications in Spatial Planning at the University of Thessaly (DPRD).
Reviewer & evaluator, as a GIS expert, under the framework of European projects IMPACT, INFO2000, City of Tomorrow (1993, 1997, 1999-2001), as well as for the German Aerospace Center (2014) and the National Research and Development Center of Poland (2013, 2019).
Short Term Expert for GIS in Urban Planning, mission in various cities across F.Y.R. Macedonia (Skopje, Veles, Ohrid, etc) as scientific consultant and trainer, Support to the Decentralization Process, an EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction (ERA, HCG, 2007-08). IT expert (short-term assignment) under the Phare/Obnova program for the modernization of the statistical information system (Statistical Services), missions to Montenegro (2001), Bosnia Herzegovina (1999 – 2000, 2002) and Albania (2002).
Scientific consultant in the National Documentation Center (National Hellenic Research Foundation 1993 – 94), National Hellenic Book Center (1995) and in Municipality of Patras (1996-97) as a specialist in Computers in Spatial Planning, G.I.S. and Databases.
Founding member, senior partner and consultant of the non-profit company METRON – Spatial Planning and Development (1993-98). Founding member (1998+) and elected President (2009-12) of Hellenic Society of GIS – HellasGIs. Member of Hellenic Cartographic Society (2014+) and elected Vice President (2016+). Founding member, senior partner and consultant of the Observatory of Western Road Axes of Greece (2009-2016).
His authorial work includes numerous papers in scientific journals, conference proceedings, book edits, etc. As a pioneer of the Greek GIS society, since 1982, he has been coordinating and participating in numerous national and international research and consulting projects dealing with the implementation of information technology in spatial analysis and planning.