The Institute for Demographic Research (IDR) is an independent non-profit organization that conducts analysis, research and studies, produces and communicates knowledge, contributes to the empowerment of citizen society and public debate on issues related to key demographic components and their impact at the national and regional level, as the variable ‘population’ (size, structure, spatial distribution, specific characteristics) plays a key role in the social and economic development and territorial cohesion. IDR is framed by a Scientific Advisory Board, which has an advisory role and is directed by a three-member Supervisory Board.
We aspire to a reliable and efficient research and analysis organization, which will use well-grounded proposals to support and promote the necessary changes in response to the major demographic challenges, with respect to Independence, Reliability, Integrity, Transparency, Quality, Cooperation
- To contribute to the development of applied research in population topics.
- To formulate concrete proposals to the public discourse/debate.
- To inspire, encourage and support policy-makers at all levels to make decisions on science-based analysis and to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policymaking.
- To raise awareness and prepare policymakers, social partners professional organisations and civil society to adapt to demographic changes.
- We create the background for the development of applied research on current and emerging issues related to demographic developments and their implications.
- We link research and policy in this field with development processes, and we create (in collaboration with the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analysis of the University of Thessaly) an Observatory of Demographic Evolutions and Policies aimed to monitor demographic/population developments at national and regional level in Greece and the critical presentation of the undertaken measures.
- We produce knowledge through reliable research, studies, findings, analysis, articles and public events.
- We formulate policy proposals.
- We reinforce the public debate with objective information, documented scientific research, studies and analysis.
- We popularize and communicate knowledge contributing to the public debate.
- We create networks, build partnerships and create meeting places and points of dialogue.
- We introduce the international debate on issues regarding the correlation between population and social, economic and territorial development and cohesion.
We address the academic, research and scientific community, persons directly or indirectly involved in policy formulation and implementation (central and local government, political institutions, representative bodies, business and labor organizations and non-governmental organizations), as well as the media, which play a significant role in informing citizens on crucial issues. We therefore also address citizen society and all its creative forces, all those who wish to understand the role of demographic developments and take action in this regard.
In the general context of open access and wide communication of its work, the Institute gives free total access to its work through its website. The databases available and processed by the Institute will also be accessible in this scientific field. Within the broader framework of cooperation, dialogue, and free exchange of information, IDR posts its entire body of work online, through its website, social media, and digital applications. The same holds for all datasets we collect and process and for the datasets generated by our research work.
IDR has the legal form of a Non-profit Citizen Society, has an autonomous operation, and formulates its strategy based on its statutory objectives. It accepts funding consistent with its principles and guidelines. It is noted that IDR is not associated with governments, political parties and business entities, as well as
lobbying. It is framed by an Advisory Board that has an advisory role and is directed by a three-member Supervisory Board. It will also be surrounded by an Honorary Committee with the participation of distinguished personalities from Greece and abroad.
- Byron KOTZAMANIS, Professor, University of Thessaly, former Director of the Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses of the University of Thessaly (EDKA), Principal Investigator of the ELIDEK-funded Research Programme “Demographic Proposals in Research and Practice in Greece”.
- Angeliki KOTZAMANI, EDIP-EMP (School of Architecture), Sociologist-ethnologist (Sorbonne -Paris V), MS Social Sciences E.H.E.S.S.
- Anastasia KOSTAKI, Professor, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business.
- Vassilis PAPPAS, Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Patras.
- Konstantinos ZAFEIRIS, Associate Professor, Department of History and Ethnology, Democritus University of Thrace.
- Antonis SPINAKIS, PhD in Statistics, Managing Director of Quantos S.A. Statistics & Information Systems.
- Christophe Bergouignan, Professor of Demography, Centre de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (COMPTRASEC – Université de Bordeaux and CNRS), former Director of the Institute of Demography (Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV), France.
- Gabriel Colletis, Professor of Economics at the University of Toulouse I & member of the Board of Directors of the Association Française d’Economie Politique (French Political Economy Association), France.
- Alain Parant, Research Associate, FUTURIBLES International Association, France.
- Christos Papatheodorou, Professor of Social Policy and Vice-Rector for Economics, Planning and Development, Panteion University, Greece.
- Christos Skiadas, Professor, former Director of the Data Analysis and Forecasting Laboratory at the Department of Production and Management Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
- Stelios Psarakis, Professor of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Director of the Institute of Statistical Documentation Research and Analysis and Directorof the MSc in Applied Statistics / European Master of Official Statistics (EMOS), Greece.
- Christophe Bergouignan, Professor of Demography, Centre de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (COMPTRASEC – Université de Bordeaux and CNRS), former Director of the Institute of Demography (Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV), France.
- Gabriel Colletis, Professor of Economics at the University of Toulouse I & member of the Board of Directors of the Association Française d’Economie Politique (French Political Economy Association), France.
- Alain Parant, Research Associate, FUTURIBLES International Association, France.
- Christos Papatheodorou, Professor of Social Policy and Vice-Rector for Economics, Planning and Development, Panteion University, Greece.
- Christos Skiadas, Professor, former Director of the Data Analysis and Forecasting Laboratory at the Department of Production and Management Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece.
- Stelios Psarakis, Professor of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Director of the Institute of Statistical Documentation Research and Analysis and Directorof the MSc in Applied Statistics / European Master of Official Statistics (EMOS), Greece.
- Dimitris Isaias, Professor (emeritus), Former Dean of the School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece.
- Andre Quesnel, Former Director of the Centre for Population and Development (CEPED) / Research Director of the Institute for Research and Development (IRD), France.
- Athina Moissidou, Co-founder Croma PC, Greece.
- Jean-Paul Sardon, former Research Director of the National Institute of Demography (INED), France.
- Spyros Tsagaratos, Architect – Dr. in Urban Planning, President & Managing Director of the Architecture Design Planning Company (AS.P.A S.A), Greece.
Γιατί είναι αναγκαία η ύπαρξη ενός φορέα σαν το ΙΔΕΜ
Γιατί είναι αναγκαία η ύπαρξη ενός φορέα σαν το ΙΔΕΜ
I.D.R. Members
I.D.R. is also supported by a scientific Advisory Board as well as a committee of honorary members.
Data analyst
Communication - Executive assistant
Research Headmaster
Research Organization and Data Analysis
Databases & Spatial Analysis
Senior data analyst